mardi, février 21, 2006

Self Portrait Tuesday : All of Me take 2

SPT: All of me
Originally uploaded by Meb.
First, I want to say I was very happy to see that my mutant toe had a lot of admirers (I won't tell him, since I need him to stay grounded and since he is full of himself enough as it is...)

It has been a hard theme for me this month...but I made an effort this morning and I am proud to present to you the inprinted glasses mark that hides behing both my ears. They look so deep I am afraid they will carve into my skull one day.

The good thing is, if they had to identify my body on one of those CSI shows, it would be easy. The one with glasses marks on the side...

By the way, I never noticed I had a freckle on the side of my is full of discoveries!

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