mardi, octobre 04, 2005

Self Portrait Tuesday : Self Documentary

For the new theme, I thought I would document myself doing my morning pages. Some of you might be familiar with the process from Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way. I've been doing them for three years now.

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Nice pic, what do you write in your morning pages? Is it like a journal? I find it difficult to fill three pages every day, specially in the mornings when I'm so tired... :-)

Meb a dit...

Well, I try to do them every morning of the week. Which sometimes works, sometimes don't. I sometimes do them on the evening too. I feel it's better then not doing them at all. And I definitely feel more crabby when I don't do them.

I usually write what's on the top of my head, I try to write as fast as I can. I use them to do affirmations a lot. Si it's kind of giving me a boost to start the day and to believe nice things are going to happen.

I also like to think other people are doing them around the world. And that it makes me part of some kind of brotherhood of pages...

Are you doing them too?

Anyway, nice site. talk to you later.